My Story: Day 6- Next Week
Well wow, time flies.
The distances make the difference. My mental is my mental. You can’t step into the same river twice. We must let go and live with the currents. Retaining what serves us and casting away what doesn’t help us grow.
If you aren’t growing, your’re dying.
The lessons we learn in our past serve our tomorrow. We take one day at a time and let the lecture play. We let go of judgement and embrace faith in joy and purity and hope and love and we serve ourselves and those around us by being the fullest version of ourselves.
I don’t know if it matters the words so much but the feelings we suggest and imply shape the phrases of our lives and our bodies and our minds.
We shape the joy. We breathe happiness. If we allow ourselves.
“Be The Change You Want To See”
Isn’t just a phrase. It’s an ideal. Lead by example. Pull the cart. Embrace the weight. You are the growth. We are the change.
Embrace your faith. Embrace your light. Embrace yourself.
You deserve the patience and the strength of your lessons and your dedication to yourself.
Happiness becomes you.
Not because I said it but because you know it to be true. You are your best company. If you allow yourself to be. It may take some time and dealing with your demons.
The path may be dark but fear not, for you know the way.
The gift of life is to be cherished. We live but once this life we lead and our opportunities are endless and abundant when we seek them out.
Grow with me and I’ll watch you grow.
Love to you my faith,
Cody Blessings