My Story Day 4: My First Day
This bagel is delicious. I’ve put peanut butter on it.
Finding joy in the little things in life will take you places right where you are.
You won’t know the most important moments of your life until they have already become a memory.
Great part about this free write is it doesn’t necessarily have to be in any order or about any particular thing huh? Honestly it doesn’t even matter if nobody reads it but if you are, I hope for a moment we can stop together to appreciate the fact that there are things to appreciate.
The suns out right now. The sky is a deep beautiful blue and the clouds are light wisps strewn throughout it. It warm and I’m going to go spend some time by the water later. Probably go kayaking? My sister Amber is visiting from New Orleans for the week and I don’t see her often so I think I will put a pin in some work I intended on getting done until tomorrow.
There is no success without fulfillment.
If I can’t enjoy time with my family and breathe in some fruits of my labors, what’s the point of laboring at all?
I went pretty intently into my drive and my why yesterday. Today I am aiming at hooks and headlines and open ended loops within my marketing plan. Did a couple hours of learning formatting and writing some of my own hooks and headlines I will be using for my product release. Very excited to release what I’ve been building apart from just the music. The behind the scenes is so much more important than what people see.
The work is not on the surface.
People live for the highlight reel but the bloopers and the deleted scenes are where the real joy is found and the real stories are told.
Everyday I will work to give you my fullest, truest self and to help build the people around me into the strongest versions of themselves I can.
I love you guys and if you’re here now, boy… I can’t wait to share with you the rewards I’ll be earning in the trenches.
Love, Forever always
Cody, Blessings